Ryan Bruckner

Who Wins When There’s a Tie in Marvel Snap? Answered

The player who has the biggest lead on the base they’re winning is declared the victor when there is a tie. If neither player has a bigger lead, then the match will simply end in a tie. Towards the end of a game, it’s smart to throw an extra card down on a base you’re winning to increase your lead if you expect a tie, but double-check the other locations for opportunities to win outright first. In the above example, my opponent is winning Kyln by one point, Strange Academy is tied at nine points, and I’m winning the Daily Bugle by eight points; therefore, I’m the winner. Conveniently, the Tip of the Day today explains tiebreakers briefly: “Tiebreakers are determined by total Power.” This means when you have a bigger lead at the location you win and a tied location you have more total Power, but if neither player has a bigger lead total Power is the same. The first way involves less math and saves time. That’s everything we have on how to win tiebreakers in Marvel Snap. Check out some of our other Marvel Snap content like changing card backs, collecting cards quickly, and card pools explained.

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